Flightless New Zealand rail of thievish disposition having short wings each with a spur used in fighting.
Examples for "maori hen "
Examples for "maori hen "
1 Here and there on the beach and on the grass wandered bright-coloured Maori hens .
2 The wekas or Maori hens are small, flightless birds, averaging when full grown about two and three-quarter pounds.
3 Hamilton and Sandell went along the coast on the 6th and brought home a dozen Maori hens for the pot.
4 Though we saw and caught innumerable young ones of all sizes, we were never able to find the nests of these Maori hens .
1 The wood hen is a bird rather resembling the pheasant tribe in plumage, but not so handsome.
2 There are wood hens also on the plains; but, though very abundant, they are not much seen.
3 From fat wood hens a good deal of oil can be got, and this oil is very valuable for almost anything where oil is wanted.
1 I really believe the great desire of Brisk's life was to catch a weka .
2 Carpenter said not everyone was likely to be happy and gave the weka as an example.
3 Six kiwis, two little blue penguins, a seal pup and 23 weka were among the casualties.
4 We had some North Island weka enclosures.
5 I looked round, and there was a weka bent on thoroughly investigating the intruder into its domain.
6 Soon there will be a rustle, then a rush, and another furious weka will attack the decoy.
7 Six kiwi, two little blue penguins, a seal pup and 23 weka were killed by dogs over summer.
8 We arose at 7 A.M. next day and breakfasted on porridge, weka , fried heart, "hard-tack" and cocoa.
9 The quail and weka were roadkill, but the other birds and mice had been collected from a 1080 drop-zone, he said.
10 A compromise is close in the stand-off over what to do with inbred weka on the Open Bay Islands in south-Westland.
11 DOC said it spoke to one of the protestors, but it hadn't been able to establish how or when the weka was shot.
12 In what could be seen as a comedy of errors, it turned out that the weta was a prey item of the weka .
13 He now had a collection of eggs of all birds which nest on the island, with the exception of the weka and the tern.
14 Just last week anti-1080 activists put dead birds, including kererū and weka on the steps of Parliament, claiming they were poisoned by the toxin.
15 Brisk, too, blundered after them, but I had no fear of his destroying the charm of the day by taking even a weka 's life.
16 He needs to distance himself from this latest criminal act and tell the police what he knows about who killed this weka , Mr Hague said.
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